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Privacy Policy

hotpokieslist.com is a website operated in Australia. Here is our privacy policy which details the company’s practices on how we collect, use, and share your personal information when using our services. We mainly use your personal data to improve current services and create new ones. By using hotpokieslist.com, users enter a tacit agreement to the collection and use of data, so long as it is in accordance with this policy. Personal data may include information such as (but is not limited to) a device’s IP address, browser type, pages visited, time and date of the visit, unique device identifiers, and other diagnostic data. We may also collect information that your browser sends when visiting hotpokieslist.com, such as other pages open when using our site.


Hotpokieslist.com uses cookies and other tracking technologies. This includes beacons, tags, and scripts. For the most part, they just improve and analyze our website.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files that you get from apps and websites. They store details of your browsing history on our website. You can get cookies on your computer, mobile device, or any other device you use to access the internet. When it comes to cookies, we use a lot of different types, mainly persistent and session cookies. Persistent cookies stick around on your device even when you’re offline. Session cookies are the opposite, they are deleted as soon as you close your web browser. We use both types. They provide essential services and features like authenticating users and preventing fraudulent use of accounts. Other cookies we use are browser cookies, flash cookies, and web beacons.

What do you collect?

We do not collect personal data like your name or email address unless you submit it through our website’s contact form. We only use this to contact you. We do not use it for any other purposes.

Hotpokieslist.com does retain the right to share collected user data with our service providers. They analyze this data to understand how our site works and how best to support the site and keep it running. They might use other services to analyze our site or advise us on how to make improvements.

We respect your privacy rights. We implement appropriate measures to protect your data. You have the right to request access to their personal data. You also have the right to rectification (changing incorrect data), the right to erasure, the right to restrict or object to processing, the right to data portability, and the right to withdraw consent.

We update this policy from time to time. The date of the most recent change is indicated at the begging of each additional policy. We will notify you when changes get made to our privacy policy. We do assume that using our website is agreeing to the current terms and conditions of our privacy policy.